BlogHow to Stop and Prevent Algae Growth in your Minneapolis Pond

How to Stop and Prevent Algae Growth in your Minneapolis Pond

If you have a backyard pond in Minneapolis, you probably have experienced the frustrations with algae growth. The green slime looks bad and smells worse. Thankfully, there are many ways to stop and prevent algae growth. 


How algae grows

To properly prevent algae, it’s important to know how it grows. Algae forms when there is direct sunlight and unused nutrients and oxygen in the water. Small amounts of algae are healthy for ponds, but too much algae can take away the oxygen in the water from other plants and fish. It can take nutrients from fish waste, dying plants, and other organic sources. 

Types of algae

There are many different types of algae that can form in your pond. The most common are green water and string algae. Green water algae is an algae that coats the surface of the pond and is too small to skim out. It is often seen in circles, called blooms, and spreads outward to the rest of the water. String algae, which is also called hair algae, grows in strings that can be picked up by hand. Even though it usually grows on rocks and by waterfalls, it can grow in larger ponds. If the strings get tangled together, it can form a larger, and heavier, clump of algae. Both types can be dangerous to your pond’s health if they grow out of control. 


Plant and fish solutions

Other plants and fish can help balance the pond’s ecosystem to keep algae growth at bay. Plants that cover the top of the water give algae less room to grow and less sunlight to absorb. Plants like lily pads and lotus cover and shade areas of your pond where algae would have a higher chance of growing. Underwater plants also help absorb nutrients that algae might use to grow. Balancing the number of fish you put into your pond is also important when preventing algae growth. Waste produced by fish has nutrients that plants use to grow. When there are more fish than plants in your pond, the excess nutrients are taken up by algae, allowing it to grow faster. 

Treatment solutions 

There are many quick treatment options that are available to get rid of algae. Algaecides are chemical and natural treatments that removes the algae without harming other plants and fish. Use each one as directed on current algae growth. To prevent algae from growing, install an algae filter or find other preventive measures, such as barley straw, that release counter nutrients that prevent algae growth, but are not harmful to fish or other animals.

If you are looking to find an algae solution that fits your needs and budget, call us at DIWhy for more information about ways to stop and prevent algae growth. We are here to help your pond look great and be healthy.